Friday, February 27, 2009

First blog hooray!!!!!!

So this is very exciting. This is my first blog from Okinawa! Well, other than my blogs on myspace. These blogs will be less personal and more of just us exploring and discovering new things in life and mostly in Okinawa. And all of our friends and family can come on here and see how we're doing and what we're doing and be super super jealous of us. :)

Here are just a few highlights of the last 2 1/2 months....

Is the jealousy starting?? It should be. Thats new dog Apollo above me. :) Hes a sweetie and also the biggest pussy dog I've ever met in my friggin life. He has a bad habit of whinning that we dont know how to break but it drives us crazy. He cant even breathe without whinning it seems. And yes, hes sitting at my feet right at this moment and whinning like its the end of the world. But just look at that face. Just...awwwwww! Ariel will deffinetly kick his ass though when she meets him. It should be interesting.

Just so you know, its taken me about 3 days to finish this here bloggy blog. I'm just no good and couldnt get the pictures just right. I kept getting frustrated and giving up. I will have more detailed blogs soon about specific places we've been to and things we've seen and done. Usual Santillan antics.