Tuesday, November 17, 2009

And now for the Fall Update post

I'd like to sum up the last few months in a few choice words to explain why I haven't been blogging as much.

Honeymoon planning. Working on getting Ariel here. Too many hours at work. Too few hours at work. Stress. Anxiety. Sleeping 3-4 hours a night. Panic attack in the shower. Emergency room visit. Xanax doesn't do shit. Mental Health appointment. Diagnosis: Depression, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and Social Anxiety Disorder. My reaction: "Duh". Celexa, Trazadone, Klonopin. Getting worse before I get better. Drugs making me zombie tired.

So, that aside...I'm feeling a lot better. I've been on the Celexa for about 3 weeks now and I'm starting to feel some changes. I don't get anxious as much. I can sleep. I'm actually doing things now. That's the worst part about depression. I lost interest in EVERYTHING. I felt completely hopeless. I wanted the house to be clean because it was stressing me out but I was too depressed to bring myself to even load the dishwasher. Dustin has helped me a lot and bless him for it. I couldn't have done this alone. But the dear, sweet boy can't sweep the floor as well as I can.

I'm still working on things and am trying to get through this the best I can. I've been through it before as a teen so I know everything will be back to normal eventually.

Here's some non-serious things that have been happening as well:

-We're almost done Christmas shopping! We're only doing parents and siblings this year and that's still 13 people. And we're only doing stockings for each other so we can save money and buy a lot of Disney crap in February.

-Last week I was running around and dancing with Apollo when I slipped sideways on Dustin's old PT sweat pants that I was wearing, and smashed a lot of body parts on our hard linoleum floor. My hand quickly puffed up and eventually bruised. I also bruised my right knee, hip and arm. But, the thing that broke my fall the most was my face. I fell right on my cheek bone and temple and my head literally bounced off the floor! I was a crying mess and was most scared about ruining my face and no longer being pretty. But have no fear! My face didn't even bruise! I'm still pretty.

-We've been buying a crapton of Christmas decorations at the BX almost every time we go that I have no idea what we even have.

-Gingerbread pancakes. Enough said.

-Our fabulous friend Matthew Frye got orders to Kadena!! He's probably the number one person Dustin would want here because they're basically in love with each other. We're beyond excited and can't wait until March of 2011!

-We're planning a Thanksgiving feast at our house this year with people from our jobs. It's our first time ever planning a party together and it's my first time ever having Thanksgiving at my place. We have a lot on our plates and we hope everyone else will too. Hahahaha.

-Dustin's on bowling league here which makes me happy because he loves it and I won't go with him because I'm not naturally amazing at it and I don't like to be bad at things. Especially in front of people.

-My mom and younger sibs get to see Mickey Rooney in some play in England in January and I am so jealous, I want to cry. Hopefully they can get me an autograph or something.

-My Mickey Rooney mania is getting worse thanks to TCM and their showing a Mickey Rooney film nearly every day.

I'm sure I'll think of more later but I will also try to update more because I do love blogging and I really hate when there's such a large gap in between posts.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear that your medicine is finally starting to work. The pictures are all awesome. Food looks yummy. Please send the recipe.

    Hopefully things will only continue to improve.

    Love you guys,
    Mom (or mom-in-law)
