Thursday, July 30, 2009

Good lord I'm clumsy!

So, about a week ago I was getting ready to go to work and everything was right with the world. Except for the extreme humidity we have here but whatever. I was shaving my legs in the shower like I hadn't a care in the world when I suddenly felt a weird tugging beneath my Venus razor (they're the best brand I assure you).

I looked down at my fantastically tanned leg and noticed a strip that was whiter than the rest of my fantastically tanned leg. I was confused at first. I looked at my razor, which now had a big chunk of my skin stuck in between it's blades. Then I looked back down at my leg. At this point the blood had started to flow. And when I say flow, I actually mean pour. Right down the rest of my leg and pool around my feet.

I have to be honest. I freaked. I started hyperventilating and blacking out from loss of blood and not being able to breathe. But I tried to calm myself down (and failed) as I attempted to comb through my conditioned hair and rinse it out. Because if I was going to the hospital my hair was at least gunna look good! I have priorities people.

When I got out of the shower there was blood everywhere and I was still hyperventilating hardcore. I have never injured myself like this in my entire life. I have a grand total of zero scars on my body. The worse injury I had was my sprained ankle and that didn't involve blood or exposed raw flesh that shouldn't be exposed.

I grabbed a washcloth and just held it to my shin, shaking and sobbing as I quickly called Dustin who was at work at the time. When he picked up I could barely catch my breath to form words to tell him what had happened. But that's OK because he caught key words like "blood everywhere" and "cut myself!" Of course he starts thinking the worst which happens to be me chopping my finger off. That would've been pretty scary too.

But hot damn, did he get home in record time! And as soon as he saw me and my leg he started BAWLING. He didn't do a very good job comforting me. Then I felt bad for scaring him so much. But I was scared too! I couldn't help my reaction.

I calmed down mucho once he was there though. And once the blood loss stopped after 15 minutes or so. Yea, I got quite a few layers of skin sliced off. Fear was quickly replaced with total grossed-out-ness. I had to throw out my razor cause I couldn't bare to look at a piece of my leg in it and I had shivers and heebie jeebies the rest of the day. I didn't go to the hospital because what would they do that I couldn't do at home?

We put peroxide on it (baaaaaad idea), slathered the neosporin on and covered that shit up with a crapton of Boo Bah band aides.

It stung a lot and it still does almost a week later but it wasn't so bad as far as pain goes. I was mostly really grossed out. I still have no idea how I managed to do this to myself. And then I felt stupid for fucking up my lovely beach legs. AND I was very unhappy with the idea of having a scar. I've been covering it with vitamin E and cocoa butter like crazy to try to keep it from scarring.

I'm really grateful that this wasn't on one of my tattoos though. It would've been completely ruined. And that's just a waste of money.

Later that night after work, I re bandaged my battle scar. I was spazzing out because the blood had come back and it brought one of it's friends, pus. It was so gross. But as I'm screaming and gagging I'm also telling Dustin to hurry up and get my camera. I paused from trying to hold back vomit long enough to pose for this cute picture of myself. You're welcome.
Mmmmm. This picture really doesn't do it justice.

In the battle between Tara and Razor.....Razor: 10, Tara: 0. That'll teach me to duke it out with pink hygiene products.

The next day it started to scab as you can see from the above 3 pictures. It looks a lot better now but there's still pus and blood and pain every day. And I keep accidentally banging my leg against things. That's what sucks the most. I just shaved my legs yesterday for the first time since this happened and I was terrified the whole time. It's gunna take me awhile to feel comfortable holding a razor again.
I wanted to share this with everyone because it scared me to death and I don't wanna be the only one who gets grossed out by this. I'm just generous like that.


  1. Good hell lady! That's horrible, I use Venus products to de-fur my own legs. . . now I'm going to be scared to shave mine!!

  2. I did that to my leg before many years ago. It happened so fast that I didn't realize it either, until the blood started. It took awhile to heal, but I don't have a scar from it. Glad to hear that my son can handle an emergency situation with a calm demeanor, NOT! Hope it gets better for you soon. Keep us posted. Love you!

  3. Thats not that bad, you big baby!
