Tuesday, July 07, 2009

I don't know how I charmed myself into this one

Remember that job I was telling you about a little while ago? The cash or cashier's cage or whatever it was? And remember when I said that I did horrifically at the interview and totally didn't get the job cause I didn't hear anything from them when I would've, had I gotten the job?

Well, I guess I was wrong. I got a call from the employment office yesterday to come in and fill out some more paperwork. I couldn't understand the woman very well on the phone because of her accent so I just assumed it was just something they forgot to have me fill out on my application before.

When I got there I filled in some more things on my application about things I've done at previous jobs. It wasn't until I'd been there for about 15 minutes that the woman informed me that I had actually gotten the job that I had interviewed for. And we had to ask her because she kept pulling more and more things for me to fill out and Dustin and I were getting really confused. Apparently the packets she was giving me where background check and security paperwork.

I'm still trying to figure out why that woman would hire me. Maybe she liked my smile. Or thought my dress was cute. It was pretty cute. But I am glad I finally have a job and maybe it won't be too terrible. At least I'll be out of the house and be able to talk to people other than Dustin. And THEN, maybe I can weasel my way into that bakery job in the fall since it's under the same manager.

I was gunna spend all day today cleaning the house because it got a little outta control over this fun-filled four day weekend. But I slept later than I wanted to and then spent almost 2 hours filling out those security packets. And I'm still not done! I have to bring them bright and early tomorrow morning and then type them all up at the employment office. Now it's 3pm and all I wanna do is make cookies. Which I still might, depending on how much cleaning I get done.

But anyways, HOORAY TARA HAS A JOB!!

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