Thursday, July 02, 2009

Update on us

So, I've still been pretty bummed out lately and it makes blogging seem like homework at times. But, I know some people check here daily to see what we're up to so I will try to force myself to update as much as possible. It's just that being at home all day makes me super lazy and I end up losing all motivation to do anything. Except bake that is. It sucks pretty hard. I haven't felt like this since I first moved in with Dustin over 3 years ago. Tara doesn't do well without a job.

I started to feel a little better last week when I hung out with some cool girls at the beach. Then I got an awful sunburn on my entire body. I'm dealing with the peeling portion of this right now and I look like I have leprosy. This is only the second sunburn I've ever gotten in my life and I was pretty sure I was going to die of skin cancer the very next day. I didn't. But I was still scared. I guess the sun burns me here too.

Then, last Friday, I got a call for a job interview at the Banyan Tree Club. I was super excited but also didn't know exactly what part of the club the interview was for. I was hoping that it was the bakery that's there. I went to the interview on Monday and it turned out to be for the "Cashier's Cage" which just sounds soul sucking to begin with. I did terribly at the interview. I could not answer the questions for the life of me and realized pretty early on that I was totally not what they were looking for. I didn't have enough experience for that job. I would've been super surprised if they hired me.

I'm glad they didn't but I'm also really upset that I still have to continue looking for a job. It turns out that the bakery there actually only hires locals. And I've noticed a few places on base that are like that. How is that fair?? That's why there aren't enough jobs for the spouses. The Okinawans are able to work on base AND off base where we're just stuck with the few limited places on base. It's retarded. BUT, the manager of the Banyan Tree Club informed me that they're starting construction soon to make the bakery bigger and then they'll start hiring military dependants in the fall. She even said that she'll give me a call then if she remembers to. They apparently even fly in a pastry chef from New York to train them twice a year! How awesome would that be?? But would I be able to wait that long for something that isn't even guaranteed? I guess we'll see.

Dustin has been working too much. 6 days a week at the moment and it truly sucks. At least he has the next 4 days off for the 4th of July. You'd better believe we're taking full advantage of this and packing in as many fun activities as possible. It starts today when he gets home from work!

He's also just discovered about 2 weeks ago that one of his old band mates from Mtn. Home, Phil, is actually here. And has been here since September. It's very exciting. But, if either of them were actually good at keeping in touch with people, they could've been hanging out since we got here. Boys are lame though.

In other news...

I gots these long, scary Barbie nails that aren't as scary to me anymore since I've had them for 2 weeks now. But when I first got them I kept making these claws with my hands and hissing at Dustin.


Also, for Dustin's 25th birthday (June 23rd), I made him some loverly Mountain Dew cuppycakes. The only problem I had with the cupcakes was the zesting I had to do with the crappy zester I have. It took about 45 minutes to zest a small lemon and lime.

All that work for such a teeny tiny bit!

But the cupcakes came out lovely and yummy! Then it was onto the frosting. Ooooh lordy, the frosting. This frosting single handedly made me hate life and tell Dustin that I would never cook for him ever again. It just would not cooperate. And I think the main problem was the fact that I had to boil some Mountain Dew until it became a syrup.

Well, it never got syrupy. It pretty much stayed the same and I added it to the frosting anyways. Stupid idea. It basically became frosting soup. It was retarded and pissed me off so much. I get very very worked up when things don't go my way in the kitchen. To the point of tears. It's pretty bad. You don't wanna be around me when this happens either. I might stab you.

Stupid boiling Mtn. Dew. *Shakes fist at computer screen*

They looked pretty enough when I first put the frosting on. But after a day, it had pretty much all dripped off.
And although I swore off making cupcakes that day...I decided to make some patriotic ones two days ago. My decorating skills are...lacking. Dustin thought they were super but what does he know about decorating cupcakes, right?
What a mess. A tasty delicious mess. Some had chocolate chips and some had butterscotch chips. And I kinda went a little crazy with my rum extract. I put some in the cakes and in the frosting. It was good but maybe a little overkill on rum flavouring.

Look at this lovely mini cupcake. Look at those decorating skills. I'll have you know, I didn't do that flag. Dustin came in from work and went, "Ooooh! I wanna decorate one!" and pulled this masterpiece outta his ass! Then I gave up on life.
I'm sure I have more to tell you guys but I can't think of anything right now. If I do later, maybe I can get my ass to actually post another blog. I would like to blog more than once a week like I used to. I know once I get a job, things will get much much better. Hopefully, that day comes sooner than later.
Happy 4th everyone!

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