Thursday, July 30, 2009

Life is good

So they've been working me a lot at the Banyan Tree. I guess they wanna hurry up and get me trained so I can start working on my own. They usually only have one cashier working at a time because that's all they really need. Unless it's a Friday or Saturday night, I hardly have any customers. And the customers I do get are usually just people coming to get they're money exchanged for Yen or dollars. All in all, it's a fairly easy job.

I do a lot of sitting around and talking with the girl that's been training me, LaNishia. And thank goodness, she was the one that got picked to train me because we became friends almost instantly. She is quite a delight and we laugh soooo much when we're together. Probably more than we should be at a job this boring. But hey, it makes the day go by faster.

Starting Sunday, I'll be working alone. I'm nervous and sad that I won't have anyone to talk to. Although it's an easy job, there's a lot of tedious things to remember and I'm still dealing with a lot of money. I'm afraid of messing something up and having my draw be short. I'm also afraid of the anti-robbery exercise we'll be having spur of the moment sometime within the next week or so. Oh yea, and the inspectors will be here this week as well. Why do I have to put up with this? I'm the new girl!

But anyway, I like the job all in all. It's not fun but it could be much much worse. Plus, I get to watch crazy drunk people on Friday and Saturday nights when I work till 2:30 am. That's always fun. Until it gets annoying.

I do have a work email now: so please email me there cause I have nothing to do most of the day! I can go on the Internet but a lot of the websites are blocked including this one. I was really hoping blogger would work so I can get caught up on it but no such luck. Oh well.

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