Monday, April 27, 2009

Rambles and such

So, I haven't posted in over a week. I've been anxious about leaving for New York in 4 days and it makes me super exhausted. I got on the computer numerous times to write but then would throw a mini temper tantrum and say to myself, "But I don't WANNA!" And then I would just walk away and sit in front of the T.V. for hours trying not to eat everything in my kitchen.

I feel much better now even though the anxiousness is getting worse the closer it gets to Friday. Dustin and I haven't spent a night apart since I got back from England almost 2 1/2 years ago. Even when we had our Bachelor/Bachelorette parties, we still went home together. We actually left the parties before anyone else but that's a whole other story that I don't like to re-tell or even think about.

But anywho, here's an update on things in our lives:

-Apollo is shedding more than ever and it's driving me crazy. I don't know where all this hair is coming from. How is he not bald yet?! I can't wait until the spring is over and he goes back to normal shedding and I can go back to sweeping the floor every other day instead of twice a day.

-Dustin and I have discovered Fuze drinks and now are super obsessed with them (mainly me)

-Dustin wore sweat pants in public yesterday much to my horror

-I apparently really like working out. I's basically against everything I stand (or sit) for. I usually don't even like moving but will spend an hour on a treadmill happily and then be ready for more. Dustin's been my trainer the last few days which means he tells me what to do at the gym (because those machines are completely alien to me) and how long to do it. And then he laughs at me straining and wondering why my forehead is wet.

-My abs are burning from my workouts so I'm trying not to laugh as much but it's proving to be very difficult

-I explained what things need to be cleaned in the house to Dustin while I'm gone. He just looked at me. Somehow I think nothing will get done.

-Anoop Desai got booted from American Idol and we were sad but knew that it was his time

-I'm on this new diet where I try not to eat desserts for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Hide your sugar from me when you see me!

That's about it. We lead fairly boring lives. I will post about this weekend later on today. How have you guys been doing?

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