Monday, June 15, 2009

We have the best friends and family

Although most people gave us money in cards at the wedding, a few of our friends and family took a gander at our registry and decided they wanted us to have some funzy stuff we put on there. I'm glad we got some kitchen stuff and some money. Actually, a lot of money. Dustin and I are still ridiculously blown away by how generous everyone was.

We counted all the money on our hotel bed after the party and with every card we actually just felt more and more guilty. We're not used to people giving us money like that so it was a bit overwhelming. We would open a card, see the money or check and go, "Oh my goodness! WHY???" I guess people like us a lot more than we thought. But we are beyond grateful and never could imagine that we would've gotten as much money as we did. Thank you so much everyone!

One of the few things we've bought with the money so far are the lovely orange Rachel Ray cookware set. It was on sale too! Then I had to re-organize my cupboards so that I have cookware in this one and bake ware in the one below.

We also have some cast iron skillet that aren't pictured cause they're waiting to Dustin to season them and make them all prettiful.

Dustin's grandma got us a crock pot!! I'm very excited to start using this, you have no idea! It even came with a few recipes that I wanna try asap!

Love love love this! Brittany got it for us over 2 months ago but we haven't even hung it up yet. We tend to procrastinate. I put a battery in it though.
We also got some awesomely cute bowls and spoons for ice cream from my friend Jessica. Oh, and I think she also got me those amazing cookie cutters. I made heart shaped biscuits the other day! And then Kelly got me the cool beans cake decorating set that I'm worshipping right now.
And lets not forget the incredibly sweet video Dustin's family had made for us. Even if there is a picture of Brittany & Brianna in it that has nothing to do with me. We watched it when we got home. And of course, the book our Idahomies had made for us that made me ALMOST cry. Oh, how I miss those fools and all the fun we had!
Hooray for friends!!

1 comment:

  1. Of course everyone loves you guys! Eventually we will even send the cook book that grandma bought to go with the crock pot. I asked dad to do that on Friday. So, no, it hasn't been done yet.....
