Wednesday, December 16, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

I always get excited for a brand new year. It feels as if the universe is saying, “Here you go! A completely clean slate to finally start changing things!” And I get very optimistic and start to think this will be the greatest year ever. I always see a bright future before me when I put up my new calendars. I tend to think, “This is it. This is the year I’m gunna blah blah blah.” It’s very silly actually but I can’t help it. It happens to me every single year.

I’m super excited this year because, while looking back on last year’s resolutions, I realized that I accomplished quite a few of them. So I have more motivation and hope for this shiny new year. I mean, it IS 2010. That’s such a big number. It’s only right that it be such a big year.

I was going to include all of my resolutions from last year but decided to tell you only the ones we accomplished. I don’t wanna dwell on my failures. So here are our accomplishments of the year:

1)Get another dog—That clearly didn’t take very long

2)Start working out—Sure, I went through spurts of going to the gym this year but that’s still a huge deal since I’d never set foot in any gym before.

3)Get at least 10 “culture credits”—Basically to experience anything having to do with Okinawa’s culture

4)Have an awesome wedding--I think we completely succeeded

5)Save more money

6) Make friends--Now, when I wrote this, I was sure (for some reason) that I wouldn't make any friends this year

7) Buy Dustin a Wii--FINALLY the price went down

This year we got some new ones and some old ones that we just didn’t get to last year.

1)Start working out (again!) and continue to work out

2)Clean the house more often—I tend to let things get outta control and then clean everything all at once

3)Blog more often—I’m getting on that now. I’ve become rather lazy about posting lately and I don’t like it

4)Read and write (journal) more—It needs to be done! Because I love it a lot.

5)Keep in touch with friends and family better

6)Be happier! No stress or worrying! Thank goodness I have drugs to help me with this one

7)Get at least 5 new culture credits

8)Learn to snorkel and dive

9)Get Ariel here and force her to be best friends with Apollo

10) Learn more Japanese

11)Have a fantastic honeymoon!

12)Get my pesky moles removed

13)Get my brothers’ names tattooed on me (finally)

14)Get a Santillan family portrait done…maybe for Christmas cards

So yea, I tend to make them pretty long. But I think everything on this list is definitely doable. Here’s to a beautiful shiny New Years!!

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