Friday, March 27, 2009

The Lakeside Collection

I found out about The Lakeside Collection from Dustin's Nana back in November when we were visiting Arizona. I looked through the catalogs she had and was amazed that everything was so cute and cheap. She let me have one of the catalogs and when we moved her and got our computer back, one of the first things I did was order some things for the house. It was verrry cheap. Like this bench I got:

I put it by the front door so when we come in we can sit down and take off our shoes so that we dont track in dirt and grass. Smart, right? Well, it would have been if it wasn't such a piece of crap. It was cheap for a reason. It's made cheaply. Lakeside Collection is like the Wet Seal of home goods. It's pretty terrible. I built this bench which was easy until I realized that the screws didn't actually screw into anything. You just sorta place them into the already made holes. Lame. The whole thing is made of really cheap, flimsy wood so noone is allowed to sit on the bench. It actually bends under the tiniest bit of pressure! Its really bad. Pieces are starting to come off now and that's without us even touching it! But I like the way it looks right now so I'm not getting rid of it just yet.

I feel so used. We also got two 6 foot long towels which we were really excited about. Also cheap. They are in no way absorbent. You try to dry off and they just push the water around on your skin. After I washed them the first time they almost fell completely apart. Now they are covered in little fuzz balls.

The moral of the story is: Don't buy anything from The Lakeside Collection unless you enjoy wasting your money on poop!

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