Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sir Peter would be proud

I actually managed to maked corned beef and cabbage on St. Patty's Day this year! And it actually came out really really good. I really do think our dear Irish compadre, Pete, would be very proud of me.

I had to get a very big pot to cook everything in which made me happy cause now I have this big pot. Now I have to think of something else to cook in it.
I also had to make green biscuits. Dustin helped. Which explains why they look like boobs. It reminded me of my boob wedding cake that Beth made.

Ok. So. It looks like a mess but it was a fantastically tasty mess! I really love cabbage and, surprisingly, so does Dustin. Theres some carrots and potatoes in there too.

Dustin took this picture. I dont know why. But do you love our Mickey salt shaker?? So do I.


  1. Way to go on making corned beef and cabbage!

    All I did this year was drink a can of guiness and watch part of our video of the Dubliners.

  2. For your big pot.. think soup! stew! lasagne noodles? pinto beans! huge recipe database for you to choose to your hearts content

    btw Tara.. this is Maura.. i've known Dustin since he was about 3 yrs old? i'm one of his mom's friends.

    I cook ALOT. =)

  3. Mom-I have no idea what the Dubliners is but guiness is yucky. We should've had some.

    Maura- Well, it's nice to meet you. Kinda. I love cooking and have recently gotten addicted to foodie blogs. I follow way too many for my own good.
